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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Completing Him Challenge: Your Husband's Vision

I am so thankful for the fact that my husband's vision for our future is very similar to my own. We both have pretty much the same financial goals, relationship goals, and spiritual goals.
  • He desires to be a better spiritual leader for our family.
  • He wants us to grow closer together in our marriage.
  • He wants to be able to pay off our car before the end of the year and we have been really blessed to the point that we may be able to actually meet this goal.
Another thing that we have discussed previously to this challenge is where we see ourselves in 5-10 years. Will we still live in Binghamton? Will we buy another income property? Will we be able to start saving for our dream vacation home? So many unknowns, yet I think we both have a decent perspective on our future.

I think it is good to periodically evaluate where you are going as a family and to let your husband lead. Give him the control. That is something that is so difficult for us to do as wives - especially me. But it is Biblical. And the Lord will bless you as a family when you follow your husband's vision.


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