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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Best Homemade Sandwich Bread

Ever since I have been sold on the idea of baking my own bread, I have been on the hunt for a recipe to use for everyday sandwiches. Some recipes are too airy, and fall apart when you make a sandwich, others are so dense that it take quite a long time to chew every bite. Well, I finally found the solution to my problems and I am going to share the recipe with you!

The Best Homemade Sandwich Bread
  • 1 1/3 cups warm water
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 1/2 cups bread flour
  • 2 Tbsp. + 2 tsp. white sugar
  • 3 tsp. yeast (or one packet)
1. In the bread machine combine water, oil, and salt. Add the flour on top of the liquids. Pour sugar into one corner of the machine. Make a finger dent in the center of the flour and pour the yeast into it.
2. Set machine on the dough setting. (If you actually make all of this bread in the machine, it will be too big for sandwiches)
3. After dough setting is finished, punch dough down and shape into two loaf pans. Let rise for about an hour.
4. Turn oven to 350 degrees and bake for about 30 min. Loaves are done when they sound hollow when tapped.

You will love this bread! The combination of the whole wheat and bread flours is perfect. Any time I have made a bread with all whole wheat flour, it has turned out dry and tasteless. The olive oil also gives an added moistness to the recipe. I have heard you can try veggie oil with this, but they say it tastes much better with the olive oil.

This bread freezes well too, so you do not have to worry about it getting moldy. Just fully wrap in plastic wrap and then cover with aluminum foil and label. My grandma always froze her breads this way, so that's the way I do it. :) I do think a double wrap keeps it fresher longer.

Wanna know how much it costs to make this bread? Only $.78 per loaf! Not only is it frugal, but it is also healthier than many store-bought breads. I have not bought bread in two months now since using this recipe. The taste and price are worth it, not to mention the wonderful aroma of fresh baking bread filling your home!


Melissa said...

You make me want to get a breadmaker! I think I would enjoy making bread that way!

That picture is making my mouth water!

About How long does bread freeze well for and still taste good when defrosted?

KalynBrooke said...

I have only had the bread frozen for as long as a month and it still tasted great!

Keri said...

.78 cents? You are now my hero. This bread is beautiful and so is your writing. Love finding new people like you. come visit my sandwich blog. I'd be honored. Keri a.k.a. Sam

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